AI Resources for Teaching

Learn how to use and apply AI assistants in your teaching and in the evaluation of student work.

Common AI Apps

BingGPT (needs Microsoft Edge)
Google Workspace Labs (need to apply with Google account for access)

Get Started with AI

Helpful AI Resources from Dr. Cynthia Alby, Georgia College & State University

AI Prompts for Teaching

AI Recommended Reading

Other Useful Readings

The Homework Apocalypse
July 1, 2023, Ethan Mollick

Assigning AI: Seven Approaches for Students with Prompts
June 11, 2023, Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

A Teacher’s Prompt Guide to ChatGPT by Andrew Herft

Futurpedia – an aggregate list of AI tools

Assigning AI: Seven Approaches for Students with Prompts

New – Sign up for Poe to use Quora AI chat, including Claude, GPT 4.0, and more

New – Join the waitlist for Microsoft Designer (much like Canva)

New – Google’s announcement and waiting list for Bard

New – Microsoft’s release announcement of CoPilot in Word, using GPT 4.0

New – March 14 release announcement of GPT 4.0

New – March 14 release announcement of generative AI tools in Google Workspace

Faculty members are encouraged to try ChatGPT by creating an account and feeding assignment prompts into it to preview generated text. Also, consider signing up for the BingGPT waitlist by downloading Microsoft Edge as one of your Internet browsers and going to Join Waitlist. It may help to also download the Bing mobile app.

A Helpful Overview of AI tool developments by Doug Holton, @edtechdev

Below are resources about AI assistants, including ChatGPT, to help in teaching and evaluating student work.

Continuously-updated crowd-sourced resources from the AI in Education Listserv

AI FAQs for Instructors

AI in Education: Readings and Videos

AI Tool List for Educators (growing list of AI tools for multiple purposes)

Learning Activities and Assessments Incorporating AI

AI Text Generators: Sources to Stimulate Discussion Among Teachers

101 creative ideas to use AI in education (in slide format)

Other Resources on AI and Education

Mercer CTL’s presentation on ChatGPT and Instruction — relevant through mid-March 2023 depending on advancements in AI. You will need to enter Mercer credentials to view.

Ethan Mollick’s Substack Blog: One Useful Thing — highly recommended. Ethan is a professor at the Wharton School.

ChatGPT and AI Tools from Georgetown University

AI Guidance from the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning

Statement on Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools from the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

Alternative Strategies for AI in the Writing Classroom (Abriana Jetté, Teachers and Writers Magazine, February 21, 2023). This article discusses ways to apply rhetorical strategies to ChatGPT’s writing to maximize the human voice in our own writing.

Please contact the CTL at to suggest additional resources.